Missing window in kompozer
Missing window in kompozer


This was intended as a compatibility feature to allow old programs to continue working when using User Account Control and running as a Standard User.


"To summarise, the hidden VirtualStore folder is part of the virtualization technology that was introduced in Windows Vista.

missing window in kompozer

Please explain VirtualStore for non-experts - Microsoft Community


So I finished up doing the same thing there: gave 'everyone' full permissions to I'm not a lan manager in a public hospital any more, just a guy at home, I'll take the chance. It didn't create a file in the virtualstore but I was denied the ability to write a file back to wwwroot after notepad had edited it! If my memory's not playing me false I think I got onto suggestions somewhere about doing it that way by adding 'everyone' with full access.Ī bit of wild overkill you'd think perhaps, I know I did, but the hell with it I did it anyway.Ĭoincidentally just yesterday on a different machine (but still win10) I ran into the same problem with Notepad. The quick fix for this which should be an automatic little popup hint window is to run the prog you're running as Admin - with reiteration of that surprising truth, that being logged on as admin doesn't mean it is being run that way.Īnother fix which I think I've employed but I wouldn't swear to it because my memory is incredibly unreliable, is to change all permissions on these protected folders. Much of this confusion on the part of the user arises because being Admin logon doesn't automatically mean all your progs are run as Admin - which you'd naively think they would be. Let us see it and give an indication of what to do. Why should we be denied that functionality?

missing window in kompozer

Kompozer, for instance, avails itself of it and manipulates it. Got onto it and fixed it via some other route, don't remember what.Īctually the question is why can't Explorer see it? Meaning why did Microsoft, why did the programmers, choose not to let us see it?Īnd hence make it unavailable? When in truth it is available. I've been using Kompozer on and off with win10 since inception and never run into this until today. So I guess I can maybe find this hidden folder and copy the files from there and put them in C: root - or perhaps even where they belong, in wwwroot - and box on, always running Kompozer as admin. It now sees what Explorer usually sees and what is shown by the upload prog on my host. When I open it again and force it to run as admin Kompozer can no longer see the files.

missing window in kompozer

Though I am logged on as admin the prog is not running under admin rights. It seems to have something to do with not running Kompozer as administrator. So then I went the C: root and it apparently worked: but didn't?

missing window in kompozer

I also first tried to save it to the inetpub folder and it reported it couldn't do that. How can explorer not see it? Actually there's two of them. I just used the 'everything' search app and it found the files in AppData\local\Virtualstore and in \roaming\microsoft\windows\recent. How can Kompozer see the file? It is using exactly the same windows explorer function isn't it? So I closed Kompozer and then opened it again and used it's 'open file' function to explore the C: root and see what was there. So I looked with Explorer and it couldn't see it, either. Then tried to upload it to the web but the file uploader browsing function from the host there didn't display the file. I just created an html file with Kompozer and saved it to the C: drive root.

Missing window in kompozer